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5 Ways Yoga Will Revolutionize Your Life

Angela Hales Yoga at Giving Tree Yoga Smyrna Ga
Yoga Instructor at Giving Tree Yoga Angela Hales Pose: Wild Thing or Camatkarasana

Originating over 5,000 years ago, yoga began as a spiritual discipline and has evolved into a holistic practice with innumerable benefits. Providing physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual benefits, it truly is “for everyone.”

Read on for 5 lesser-known ways yoga can benefit you, no matter what your age, weight, or health status might be.

1. Slow Down Aging

Unlike the thousands of snake oils promising a more youthful body and mind, studies have shown that yoga can help actually slow down aging at the cellular level. [1]

2. Heal or Lessen the Effects of Disease

The body is designed to heal and prosper, but it needs your help. The burgeoning field of epigenetics is beginning to reveal how our environment, and our behavior, influence the way our cells operate. The exact mechanism is still unknown; however, we do know that engaging in yoga can significantly reduce symptoms of disease, such as fibromyalgia [2], diabetes [3], and asthma. [4]

Jack Lopez at Giving Tree Yoga Studio Smyrna GA
Eagle Pose | Garudasana Strengthens Endurance and Unwavering Concentration; image copyright Giving Tree Yoga

3. Increase Concentration and Willpower

As we age, the power of concentration begins to wane. Add to this the distracting nature of smartphones, media programs, and an endless array of gadgets, and both our concentration and self-control suffer. We are unable to relish in the completion of personal goals when we fail to possess the self control to stick with them. Yoga advances concentration and self-control. [5]

4. Experience more energy

Just 30 minutes of yoga can put a spring back in your step, both mentally and physically. [6] With numerous demands on our time, it can be difficult to justify adding more to our plates. However, the time you put into practicing yoga pays dividends in the extra energy and fortitude it provides.

5. Build bone

Yoga, safe for osteoarthritis, actually builds bone mineral density [7], making the practice critically important for everyone, both as preventative and treatment!

Once you see these benefits realized in yourself, yoga will become a cherished and indispensable practice in your life. It will revitalize your body, mind, and spirit, and revolutionize your life! Come give us a try!

See you on your mat! Peace...

[4] Nagarathna et al (1985), British Medical Journal, Manocha et al (2002), Thorax

[5] Hernández et al (2016), PLOS ONE

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Arogya Yatra
Arogya Yatra
17 sept. 2021

Nice article. Integrating Yoga for corporate wellness keeps problems like stress, depression, body posture and internal issues away.

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